So Much to Do

            Even though my current project has taken so long, that doesn’t mean I haven’t worked on anything else.  There have been contests to enter (that’s how I created Sundial and became part of French General’s Celebration Sampler Quilt), and I have helped my mom make decisions on her quilts.
                The two things my mom and I spend the most time on are fabric choices and block arrangements.  Fabric choices we discuss everywhere: the sewing room, the kitchen, the living room, the fabric store, the car…
                Arranging blocks happens in a very specific room.  We lay the blocks on the floor, then I sit on a giant yoga ball and see what in our arrangement needs to change.  This can definitely take a lot of time as we move blocks around and consider each new arrangement.  At the same time, I’m trying not to fall over on the yoga ball.  Some days, this is easier said than done.


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