Scot’s Plaid

Sewing guide for the quilt block "Scot's Plaid." Squares and rectangles with connecting lines showing how the different pieces should come together to create the block.

Guide for how to assemble a four-patch block. Squares with lines showing how to assemble the pieces.

Some of the blocks I am using I know off the top of my head. The others I am finding in 1000 Great Quilt Blocks by Maggi McCormick Gordon. That is where the names I am using come from along with the inspiration for the blocks I am creating guides for. The instructions for how to put the blocks together are my own.

I say inspiration because my blocks are not always exact replicas of the blocks in the book. With “Scot’s Plaid,” the block in the book is made completely from the same size square in different fabrics. I prefer to eliminate as many seams as possible. Instead of sewing two squares of the same fabric together to create a rectangle, I simply created a rectangle. Instead of using four squares to make a larger square, I used a larger square.

Neither way is wrong, but the less time I have to spend sewing, and the fewer seams I have, the happier I am.


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