Expecting Mothers

           Another group of people I don’t see quilts made for are expecting mothers.  All too often, women who have recently had a baby, or sometimes even before, get lost in the shuffle.  Everything becomes about the baby, and in some ways the woman ceases to exist.  It’s something that is really sad to see, especially since there is so much a woman goes through when she is pregnant.  When that is all over, the last thing the woman needs is to become invisible.        
          That’s why quilts should be made for mothers who are expecting.  During the baby shower, lots of gifts are given, but nearly all of them are for the baby.  By making the mother a quilt, it shows her that you remember she is part of the process and the event too.  It’s what I did for my friend Cathryn when she was expecting a baby.  Actually, the moment I found out Cathryn was pregnant I knew I wanted to make her a quilt.  On those nights when she was up late with her daughter, I wanted Cathryn to know that someone remembered her.  That she was on someone’s mind.
         Along with quilters, make a quilt for an expecting mother.  In a time where it’s easy to get lost amongst everything that needs to happen for the baby, that quilt will let the mother know she is remembered too.            


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