What to do. What to do.

             Now that is has been years, and many, many quilts, since the day my mother told me I needed to learn how to quilt, I have realized that quite a few of my earlier designs are likely to never get put together.  At least not as a quilt.  I say this because while these designs are too complex (at least for my sanity) to turn into quilts, I have zero intention of abandoning them.  For years, I have had ideas in my head as to how I could use these designs for other things.  Most of them have come down to either paintings or fabric.  Maybe I could paint them and then turn the image I painted into fabric.  Hmm, that is an idea.
Birthday Surprise
       To be honest, I would love to design a fabric line someday.  It does not necessarily have to be done by painting.  I could create it using any art supply I may possess, like the colored pencils I mentioned in an earlier post.  Even crayons could work.  There’s always the option of using a computer.  Truly, there are so many ways I could design a fabric line.  Getting it manufactured after that is something different, altogether.
               The more I think about it, the more I would love to see my complicated designs turned into fabric. Once they were fabric, I could design a quilt around them. If I did that, then these designs I thought would never become a quilt, would, in fact, be made into a quilt, after all.


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