
               The great number of different fabric and color preferences that exists has led me to develop a philosophy about quilts in general.  When I worked at the quilt shop, I often helped people pick out fabrics for their quilts.  Sometimes these fabrics were not at all what I would go with.  When this happened, I would tell myself that I was not going to be the one looking at the quilt in the end.  This may sound like an odd thought, but I figured that since the quilt is not going to me, and I will not be the one looking at it every day, it did not matter whether or not I liked the fabrics chosen.  I was always willing to voice my concerns if I felt something was off or that certain fabrics did not go together, but as for the actual direction and fabric choices of the quilt, I would keep my mouth shut.  The customer being happy with what they were choosing was what mattered.  My own personal view of the quilt was not, as this quilt was not meant for me.  It was meant for either the quilter themselves, or for someone they knew would enjoy it.
Ladybug Parade
                If you ever have to make a quilt for someone out of fabrics or colors you do not like, try to keep this philosophy in mind.  Fortunately, I have never been in this situation, but who’s to say I won’t at some time in the future?  Sometimes even just helping my mom plan quilt samples out of fabrics I’m not fond of can be a chore.  I can only imagine how difficult it is to put an entire quilt together from fabrics I do not like.  Which is why, if I’m ever in that situation, it will be important to keep my philosophy in mind.  Someone else will be looking at the quilt in the end, not me.  If they are happy with it, that is what matters.
                Now, if you make a quilt and the person you made it for cringes at its sight, I have a whole other philosophy for that situation.                   


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