A Picture Says a Thousand Words

        Coming from a theatre background, I often think in theatre terms.  That’s why I consider the place where I take pictures of my quilts a “set”.  Unlike a theatre set, though, there are some things I can’t control.  Weather is definitely one of those things.  When it’s cold, wet, snowy, or rainy, it’s not exactly the best time for me to go out and use me set. 
Shadow, or a lack of shadow, can also cause problems.  There have been times where I’ve paced around the house waiting for the sun to move into just the right position so I can take my pictures without problems.
            Then there are the beautiful things I can’t control, such as the roses that want to make their way into the pictures.  As much as I like my quilts and the pictures I take of them, I have found that oftentimes they are even more beautiful when I spot a rose creeping in. 
A Little Bit Twisted


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