Which Way to Press

Ladybug Parade
           Working at a quilt shop I learned there is more than one way to iron quilt pieces.  Or press, to be more accurate.  When I learned to quilt, I was taught to press the seam to one side or the other.  At the quilt shop, I learned about pressing the seams open, making sure there is a piece of fabric on each side.
              Having tried both methods, I must say I am partial to the one-sided seam.  My seams do not rip apart as easily.  However, there are times, such as when the connecting seams are so many they will build up, where pressing open is better.  Although, I have recently learned, you cannot quilt stitch-in-the-ditch with open seams.  I’m glad I found that out before I tried it.
             My mother presses the seams open when the meeting one-sided seams will inevitably end up facing the same direction, helping create the buildup I mentioned.  You could simply twist one of the seams forcing it to face the opposite direction, but then the work does not lay as flat.  My mom prefers to plan and press the seams open in these situations, avoiding the problems altogether.           


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